Privacy Policy

At AJAG (comprising AJAG Management Inc., AJAG Professional Development Services Inc. and AJAG Continuing Education Services Inc.), we are dedicated to providing our clients and customers with the highest level of professional services possible. As such, we are committed to protecting your privacy. We want you to know how personal information about you is used, collected and disclosed. To demonstrate our commitment to you, we have adopted this privacy policy, which has been drafted to comply with current legal standards regarding the protection of personal information. We will review this policy regularly and modify the content as we determine it necessary to satisfy or exceed legal requirements.

This policy covers only personal information relating to use of this website, By your continued use of this web site, you are consenting to the collection, use, retention and disclosure of personal information specified on this website.

Collection/Retention of Personal Information

Personal and financial information is collected in order to provide you with the products and/or services you have requested, for communicating course registrations, preparing attendance certificates and processing credit card payments. In addition, it is used to assist in the management of our business. This information will not be used for any other reason without your consent.

Personal information is stored on our password protected email server and is accessible only by authorized personnel of AJAG. AJAG collects only the personal information necessary to provide an individual or firm with the services requested by them and to inform them about other services they may wish to request from us.

At no time will we permit any personally identifying information about you or our clients to be released to anyone or appear on this web site unless we have explicit written authorization to do so. We consider personal information to be your name, address, phone number, date of birth, job function, credit card information, or items similar in nature and as such are treated as confidential.

If you decide you do not want your personal information to be used for any of the above, you may “opt out” of one or all of these purposes at the time your personal information is collected, or at any later time, by contacting us. Should you choose not to provide us with this information, or to “opt out”, we may not have sufficient information to provide you with our services. For employees or employee candidates, failure to provide us with the permission to collect this information may preclude our ability to employ you.

Website Usage Statistics

AJAG may monitor and track website usage by website IP address.

Electronic Transmission of Information

AJAG shall not be responsible or liable for loss of privacy, disclosure of information, harm, damage or loss that may result from your transmission of any information to us in connection with our web site.


We may disclose the personal information collected, as described above, within our corporate group. We will disclose information only if required to do so by law and/or regulatory authorities.

Changes to Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to change our policy from time to time; however, we will disclose new policies or revisions to existing policies in this section of our website. We will not use any personal information for a purpose not disclosed at the time of collection.

Contacting our Privacy Officer

In order to fulfill requests for personal information records, or to answer any questions or address any concerns individuals may have about privacy, AJAG has designated a privacy officer. The privacy officer is also responsible for ensuring that the policy requirements and related procedures are met.

If you have any questions about our web site privacy policy, how information is stored, and/or the recording of your visit to our website, please feel free to contact us via email, phone or mail. Our contact information is noted below. We will respond to your inquiry within thirty (30) days from the date at which the AJAG privacy officer receives your inquiry.

Privacy Officer

AJAG Management Inc.
2 – 146 West Beaver Creek Road
Richmond Hill, ON Canada L4B 1C2
Phone:(905) 881-9285 Fax:(905) 881-8360

E-mail: [email protected]