Terms & Conditions

Revised:January 01, 2017

Terms and Conditions: In-Class Courses

1. Registrations – Registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis and are payable in full at the time of registration. Any individuals associated with a firm or group having an unpaid order will not be considered as registered and will not be permitted to attend the course.

2. Payment and Fees – Payments may be made using VISA, MasterCard or currently-dated cheques payable to AJAG Management Inc. Post-dated cheques will not be accepted without prior arrangement. Overdue accounts will incur an interest charge of 1% per month. Should we be required to pursue the collection of fees from any registrant, all costs incurred will be added to the outstanding balance. HST of 13% will be added to all orders.

3. Order Changes (Swaps) – Changes to registrations using Seat Swaps must be processed in advance of the session. Click here for details about Seat Swaps and related fees.

If an individual attends a course for which they are not registered and for which a Seat Swap has not been processed prior to the session, the regular course fee of $140 plus an administration fee of $50 will be charged (for a total of $190). If the course was sold out, an additional $50 will be charged (for a total of $240).

4. Course Materials– Unless otherwise specified, registration fees will include all course materials. When required, materials will be sent to registrants in advance via email or made available for download through our website. All course material remains the property of the author and may not be reproduced without written consent. Course material is to be considered supplemental to the lecture and will contain appropriate disclaimers explaining its limitations.

Participants are entitled to one package of course material per session and may not take multiple copies for any reason. Individuals who were registered for the session but unable to attend may contact us and request a copy.

5. Confirmations – Confirmation of all orders will be sent electronically once processed. If a confirmation is not received it may be obtained by contacting AJAG or by logging in to your account.

Reminder emails will be sent one week prior to each course. However, as internet service providers or a firm’s email server may block the delivery of our emails, we will not be held responsible for the non-delivery of the reminder emails. Complete details of course dates and times are available on the website and should be reviewed regularly in advance of each session.

6. Course Changes or Cancellation – AJAG reserves the right to replace course instructors, and to reschedule or cancel courses should circumstances warrant. Registrants will be notified of any such changes as early as possible, and in the case of course cancellations will be issued full refunds.

7. Refunds – All fees paid for complete programs are non-refundable once the program has commenced. Refund requests for individual course registrations must be received in writing at least two weeks prior to the course in order to receive a refund. Unused prepaid swaps are non-transferable and will expire at the end of the program year to which they are associated (typically running September to February). Refunds for prepaid swap packages may be requested in writing within three weeks of purchase provided none of the prepaid swaps from the package have been used. Partial refunds are not available. Any refunds issued for orders paid by credit card will incur an administration fee of 5%.

8. Substitutions – As registration for a course reflects the reservation of a seat and not the registration of a specific individual, a substitute may be sent to the course in place of the individual originally intending to attend. In order for the substitute to receive credit for having attended the course, they must be registered with AJAG by their group administrator as a participant of that same group.

9. Attendance Records – To receive credit for attendance, an individual must sign the attendance sheet provided at each session. Attendance records will not be altered for any reason other than clerical error. Participants may not sign the attendance sheets on behalf of others. If this situation comes to our attention, the attendance record may be removed from our database. Attendance records will be updated within ten days of each course. Certificates of Attendance are available in each individual’s online account at any time.

Registrants may record professional development from non-AJAG sources in their account in order to assist in compiling their total PD hours. AJAG is not responsible for the validity or completeness of this third-party information, as this feature is provided solely as a convenience for AJAG registrants.

10. Consent to Use of Image or Likeness – From time to time, AJAG may take still photographs or film sessions for promotional or other purposes. All attendees agree to the incidental use of their likeness or image in any photographs or videos.

Failure to abide by the above terms and conditions may result in the cancellation of registration without refund.

Terms and Conditions: Online Courses

1. Payment and Fees – Payment may be made using VISA, MasterCard or by cheque. All fees are payable in full at the time of registration. GST or HST will be added to all orders as applicable.

2. Refunds – All fees paid are non-refundable.

3. Course Materials – Unless otherwise specified, registration fees will include all online resource and course materials. All course and resource materials are subject to copyright and may NOT be reproduced without written consent from AJAG Online. Resource and course materials are to be considered supplemental to the online courses and will contain appropriate disclaimers explaining their limitations.

4. Confirmations – Confirmation of all registrations will be sent electronically once they have been processed. If a confirmation is not received, please confirm enrollment by contacting us at info@ajag.ca

For your convenience, reminder emails will be sent prior to each course. However, as internet service providers or a firm’s own email server may block the delivery of AJAG Online’s emails, we will not be held responsible for the non-delivery of the reminder emails. Complete details of course dates and times are available on the website and should be reviewed regularly.

5. Instructors – Presenters scheduled for each session, as reflected in course descriptions, are subject to change without notice.

6. Course Cancellation – AJAG Online reserves the right to cancel a course at their discretion. If this occurs, registrants will be notified and full refunds will be issued.

7. Substitutions – Registrations may not be transferred or assigned to another person.

8. Attendance and PD Credit – In order for a participant to receive PD credit from AJAG Online for their completed course, they must successfully complete a short quiz on the course content. PD certification will then be recognized in the participant’s online account, a copy of which may be printed for their personal records.

The correct assignment of PD certificate of attendance is made on the basis of accurate information and the successful completion of a post-course quiz by the individual, and is therefore presumes that log-in is completed on the honour system. As such, we do NOT warrant or certify that the individual listed in our user registration records actually attended the above noted sessions, nor can we confirm whether they attended the full session. Each registrant may log into their account to view and print their certificate at any time after course and quiz completion.

9. Access Time Parameters – Access to the online courses is based on a time limited subscription model that includes a six month period from the date the course is launched.

10. Scheduling – The launch date of the courses are subject to change. Advance notice of any changes will be sent to all registrants by email.

11. Address – I certify that the address reflected in this registration accurately reflects the physical location of the person(s) attending the session.

Failure to abide by the above terms and conditions may result in the cancellation of registration without refund.